Meetings with the Masterpieces

Renée has been continuing a series of Meetings with the Masterpieces at the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at California State University Monterey Bay (OLLI @ CSUMB). This is the first in the series. OLLI @ CSUMB provides a dynamic community for those aged 50 and better living in the Monterey Bay Peninsula (and now to those with access to Zoom) in many fields including (but not limited to) science, history, music, and art. These three sessions were not recorded but the slides are available to view below.

Session 1

Stop, Look and SEE

 To view the Powerpoint, click picture above or here.


Session 2

Double Dutch Masters and More

To view the Powerpoint, click picture above or here.


Session 3

Return of the Dutch Masters

To view the Powerpoint, click the image above or here.